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Redefining tech for humanitarian action

Technological solutions that serve humanity's greater good

Your software partner for impactful solutions.

SODIGITALLY develops software solutions for humanitarian action, leveraging the principles of Human Rights and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Based in UPTEC, the Science and Technology Park of the University of Porto, SODIGITALLY is on a mission to deliver well-executed software and predictive modeling systems to Third Sector organizations.

We believe in using technology and AI for good as a means to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and uphold Human Rights, streamlining the efforts of organizations and humanitarian missions.



Our Services

The best technology solution for your impact project.

Software Development

Leverage your mission and projects through custom software development, including websites, mobile apps, and computer systems.

Experience Design

Enhance your digital presence with responsive and user-friendly design integrated with our software solutions.

Data and Artificial Inteligence

Unlock the power of insights and informed decision-making with our cutting-edge Data and AI package.


Sustainable Development Goals

We are committed to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) through all aspects of our operations. They form the cornerstone of our mission and drive our actions.


Long-term Solutions

We approach industry and client challenges with a long-term mindset, acknowledging the complexities in our partners' work environments.


Social Impact

We prioritize social impact and collaboration over competition and profit, embodying the principles of social entrepreneurship.

Let’s build a better world!

R. Alfredo Allen n.º 455 461

4200-135 Porto, Portugal

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